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I have been interested in photography since my school days using a makeshift enlarger in the store cupboard of the Science Lab,
and I still love photography today.
I have been working as a photographer for most of the last 35 years, during which time I think I have captured almost everything.
When in my 40's I studied for an "A" Level in Photography which them progressed to a BA (Hons) degree and then to an MA in Creative Media
I have been teaching photography for around 20 years both at local colleges in the North East and for The Open University.
If you have any questions, please contact me via email
Dave Hudspeth BA(Hon's), MA, PGCE
I was fortunate enough to have this image judged as "Commended" in the
2022 Landscape Photographer of the Year, and as such it appears in the book
and as webpage header on the Urban Section of the website
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